Author: Karaseva Yulia

Articles of the author in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Особенности отражения национальной и индивидуально-авторской картин мира в художественном тексте (на материале произведений художественной литературы Андских стран: Перу, Боливии и Эквадора)

№ 2 February 2012 | Category: Literature

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Firsova N.M., Karaseva Y.A. Reflection of cultural identity in a literary text (based on the Spanish-language literature)

February, 2012

Firsova N.M., Karaseva Y.A. World of emotions in the language of a literary text (based on the works of fiction of the Andean countries)

February, 2012