Balalaieva Olena Yuriivna
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

The article deals with the possibilities of electronic textbook «Elementa Linguae Latinae» in teaching clinical terminology to students of specialty «Veterinary Medicine» of agrarian institutions of higher education.

Keywords: clinical terminology, electronic textbook, structure, term, translation

Category: Pedagogics

Article reference:
Balalaieva O.Y. Using electronic textbook in teaching clinical terminology // Humanities scientific researches. 2018. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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The study of clinical terminology is an important part of Latin course at the faculties of veterinary medicine. Clinical terminology is used in clinical disciplines that study animal diseases, techniques and methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment. The subject of study is the clinical terms of Greek-Latin origin, borrowed or artificially created by word-building models of classical languages.

Students should learn the basic types of clinical terms, including cognates Latin or Greek origin, which are considered unmotivated in modern terminology, compound terms and motivated terms with complete articulation. For studying terms of the first two types, knowledge of grammatical norms of the Latin language obtained by students during the study of grammatical topics, and knowledge of the structure and models of anatomical and pharmaceutical terms are sufficient. The study of terms of the last type requires learning main methods of the Latin word formation – affixation and composition.

Gradual study of Latin and Greek components of terms and their doublets starts in the learning grammar topics (components of terms, suffixes and prefixes are distributed according to the thematic principle). However, there are two special lessons for the study of the clinical terminology.

The purpose of the first one is to form general understanding of structure of clinical terms, it aims to familiarize students with the basic methods of clinical terms formation, update knowledge about components of terms, Latin and Greek doublets of nouns and adjectives, teach to do analysis of terms including two or more bases. By mastering the topic, students should know: the main ways of forming clinical terms, components of terms, productive Latin and Greek suffixes, used in clinical terminology; be able to: define the structure of the clinical term, analyze its components, and clarify the meaning of clinical term based on the meanings​ of its components.

The aim of the second lesson is to systematize the knowledge about the structure of clinical terms, therefore students should know the most common Greek and Latin doublets and components of terms; be able to: analyze and translate clinical terms from Latin into Ukrainian and vice versa, construct of compound clinical terms with a given meaning.

The electronic textbook “Elementa Linguae Latinae” (2014) has wide opportunities for development of translation abilities and skills. In the electronic textbook the training material is presented with the elements of modeling [1].

The material of the module “Tutorial” of electronic textbook “Elementa Linugae Latinae” can be used for the presentation of educational material in the classroom, systematization and updating knowledge both at the lesson and at home, doing exercises on translation [2].

In general, at least 100 Greco-Latin components of terms, selected on a frequency basis, must be learned by students. For development these skills and abilities methodology provides a set of exercises for: recognizing morpheme and components of terms, defining meaning of each component of terms, clarifying the total meaning of the clinical term, forming a clinical term by affixation and composition, matching Greco-Latin doublets, synonymy and antonyms of affixes. A sample of the exercise on construction and translation clinical terms is given in figure 1.

The material of the module “Dictionary” can be used by the teacher for illustrating theoretical aspects by concrete examples, by students for doing exercises and control tasks on translation and terms modeling, self-checking and self-correction of learning actions and operations etc. [3].

The material of the module “Components of terms” contains 300 initial and final components of terms, prefixes, frequency segments necessary for the formation of compound medical terms.

  1. Балалаева Е. Ю. Положительные и отрицательные аспекты электронных учебных изданий // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2014. № 8. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 02.06.2017).
  2. Балалаева Е.Ю. Электронные ресурсы для изучения латыни // Психология, социология и педагогика. 2014. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 29.05.2018).
  3. Балалаева Е. Ю. Электронный словарь: сущность, структура, классификации // Современная педагогика. 2014. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 01.10.2017).

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