Filippov Leonid Ivanovich
State educational institution "Special (correctional) comprehensive boarding school №18" the city of Kislovodsk

Introduced the basic laws of metaphilosophy. Equally they can be attributed to philosophical laws. In three well-known philosophical laws (introduced Hegel) get the object of consideration is a significant shortcoming of the theory. The identified causality of the concepts of "content" and "communication" that are installed either between objects or between parts of the whole object. These laws are considered from the perspective of the basic philosophical question, through the object and subject of study of philosophy, of its functions.

Keywords: communication, content, dependence between the content and relationship, object and subject of philosophy, part, relation, structure, whole

Category: Philosophy

Article reference:
New laws of philosophy // Humanities scientific researches. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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