Kozyrev Nikolay Anatolievich1, Kozyreva Olga Anatolievna2
1Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, doctor of technical sciences, professor
2Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk institute filial by Kemerovo State University, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

The article presents a model of determination and the "socialization" of the concept, the pedagogical conditions for the optimal use of the foundations of pedagogical modeling to clarify the features of socialization in the theory and practice of modern pedagogy. Socialization as a model for the development of modern culture and education is defined as a construct visualization and optimization of the quality and experience of mastering the rules of social relations. Socialization can be viewed in different ways determined and corrected (wide, narrow, local, uniform). Quality of socialization can be defined in a variety of models describing the features of basically taking the individual society, assess the quality of work and communication, and personal growth, humanism and tolerance. Pedagogical conditions of socialization of the person the optimal structure of interest in the various areas of pedagogy (social pedagogy, developmental pedagogy, pedagogy of development, pedagogy of physical culture and sport).

Keywords: of self-dependent living activities culture personality, pedagogical methodology, pedagogical modeling, technology system-pedagogical modeling of self-dependent living activities culture of student, the culture of self-dependent living activities of the teacher

Category: Pedagogics

Article reference:
Socialization of the person as a model and a product of modern education // Humanities scientific researches. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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