Verisova Anna Dmitrievna1, Provkov Nikita Sergeevich2
1Ural State University of Railway Transport, lecturer of foreign languages and cross-cultural communications department
2Ural State University of Railway Transport, student of mechanical faculty, the profession is mechatronics and robotics technology

The article is devoted to the development of the English language and its entrance on a global level. There are also the reasons which lead English as a means of international communication. This issue becomes particularly relevant in connection with the globalization processes in the world and it is not possible without extraction of the main language, which can be attributed to people for understanding each other. English has all the properties for being a world language.

Keywords: academic mobility, English language, foreign languages, globalization, international languages, learning process, students

Category: Linguistics

Article reference:
The language question in the context of globalization // Humanities scientific researches. 2017. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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