Belina Natalia Victorovna1, Ivanova Victoriia Alexandrovna1
1Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, senior lecturer at Higher school of foreign languages

The article considers the need to have foreign language speaking ability as one of the main skills required for a young professional in order to get a good job in modern labor market.
Particular emphasis is placed on development of foreign intercultural due to the considerable increase of international contacts between Russian and foreign universities. All that creates the basis for the organization of practical activities projects of students.

Category: Pedagogics

Article reference:
Specific traits of intercultural foreign language communication teaching of students // Humanities scientific researches. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2016/12/18123

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The present Russian higher school system state has been prompted by positive changes caused by thoroughgoing innovations in the life of the society. Open state boarders, European and worldwide globalization, modern technologies development, providing access to all kinds of information has worked significant changes not only in the life of Russian citizens but in higher school as well. It has a great influence factors on foreign language speaking as one of the main skills required for a young professional in order to get a good job in modern labor market.

Today’s learning goals are influenced by the modern life conditions, that is reflected in the appearance of new views on the nature of foreign languages and consequently on the teaching methods.

An essential problem of the lingual and intercultural development of a personality as a result, at present is that traditional approaches and teaching methods do not fully count the particularity of the studied language from the point of view its lingual and speech norms. The correct vocabulary and grammar do not always guarantee mutual comprehension in real communication.

In order to achieve a high level of education of a future non-linguistic university graduate, it is necessary to develop a completely new model of teaching, which can be successfully applied during the process of teaching foreign languages.

To reach this purpose it becomes topical to popularize scientific knowledge as its spreading is of great importance for the concept review not only of the scientific and educational philosophy but of intercultural aspect as well.

The division of the cultural and mass concepts, which has been treated separately up till now, occurs exactly at the present stage of the higher school development (not only linguistic one).

Mass culture is the product of natural development of the culture as the unity of subcultures, in terms of industrialization and informatization of the society. According to Vernadsky any transformation of cultures is not “the termination of the culture”, but “expansion of its geographical area” [1].

This point of view involves a completely new approach to the process of teaching the intercultural communication by means of wide use of modern mass-communicational processes and genres (movies, radio, television, video, audio, electronics, computers etc.). Thus, there appears a new understanding of all cultural phenomena that helps to enrich personal experience of a student and contributes to the development of a culturally moral person in a modern society.

Foreign intercultural communication is being developed actively enough due to the considerable increase of international contacts between Russian and foreign universities. All that creates the basis for the organization of practical activities projects of students, contributes to the development of speaking and intercultural skills. By international educational linguistic activities, we understand systematic mutual training and educational, research and creative activities of students from different countries that are carried out in the language studied full-time and on-line by means of modern Internet technologies and have the same problems, objectives, tasks, and methods focused on getting a mutual result [2].

Implementing the international educational linguistic projects, students of non-linguistic universities can master intercultural matter not only about a native country, but also about the one of the studied language, and develop intercultural and speaking skills.

Some researchers determine a range of ways of intercultural communicative competence forming during the process of foreign languages studying.

These ways are the following:

1) Intercultural trend. It is expressed in enriching of the native culture by means of acceptance of a foreign one: new knowledge about foreign culture to deeper understanding of a native one.

2) Behavioral trend. It is expressed in the ability to non-conflict communication with representatives of foreign cultures, showing tolerance based on capabilities to co-operation with representatives of foreign cultures taking into account their values, rules, ideas.

3) Cultural trend. It is expressed in using linguistic means according to cultural norms of the studied language; in ability to exchange the ideas, to listen actively on the basis of repeating the information heard, to resume, to pay attention to the speaker, to ask questions in order to understand the speech [3, p.26].

Consequently, formation of the communicative competence reflecting the reality of foreign communication of a person occurs during the simultaneous formation of linguistic, speaking and cultural competence, which respectively appears in the educational communicational environment.

  1. Вернадский В.И. О науке. Дубна, 1997.
  2. Максаев А.А. Использование международных образовательных языковых проектов для развития социокультурных и речевых умений учащихся // Вопросы методики преподавания в вузе / СПб: изд-во Политехнического университета, 2014. №3.
  3. Плужник И.Л. Формирование межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции студентов гуманитарного профиля в процессе профессиональной подготовки: автореф, дис, докт. пед, наук – Тюмень, 2003.

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