Shipitko O.Y.1, Chesnokova A.V.2
1Southern Federal University, candidate of Psychological sciences, lecture of department of psychology management and legal psychology, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy
2Southern Federal University, 5th year student, department of psychology management and legal psychology, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

This paper examines the phenomenon of professional self-realization through the prism of various aspects of satisfaction with the employment of young leaders. Attention is paid to domestic research and development within the akmeological approach. The results of empirical research relationship of the level of expression of young leaders professional self-realization with different aspects of job satisfaction are offered. The main findings and highlights of practical application of the results are made.

Keywords: activities, head, labor satisfaction, professional self-realization, the desire for self-satisfaction

Category: Psychology

Article reference:
To the question to young leaders professional self-realization // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 4. P. 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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