Fomina Marina Nikolaevna1, Borisenko Olga Andreevna2
1Transbaikal State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
2Transbaikal State University, Ph.D. of Philosophy

The authors proposed the concept of the political dialogue as an expression of the type of dialogue between cultures. Therefore, this article is devoted to understanding the nature of dialogue, which opens the possibility of expanding its space from the "dialogue of cultures" to "political dialogue." This is possible in a globalized culture that most clearly represented in one of the examples of the political dialogue - the SCO. The authors note that the interpretation of the theory of dialogue made possible by the philosophical culture, which carrier is man of the world, realizing its potential in the dialogue process. Philosophical culture interprets the implementation mechanism of dialogue between cultures. Man of the world contributes to its implementation. Dialogue is a space of interaction of stakeholders in the search for truth. The author proves that in a globalized culture, dialogue of cultures occurs at the intersection of political, social, economic and cultural interests of different nations. In this context, political dialogue given to consolidating role not only in theory but also on a practical level. Practical level is the carrying out of activities in such international organizations as the Institute for Global Dialogue, Centre for World Dialogue and others. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization - is not only a cultural dialogue, a dialogue of civilizations, attitudes, opinions, mentalities and values. This is - a real indicator of the political dialogue, in which the various interests and positions are consolidated in one - in the mutual interest of all. SCO as a dialogue of cultures - is the cultural diversity of the partners. SCO as a political dialogue - is the backbone of the interests of cooperation.

Category: Philosophy

Article reference:
Analysis of research on the nature of dialogue: from dialogue of cultures to political dialogue // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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