Porshneva Elena Genadievna1, Rodionov Vyacheslav Adolfovich2
1Federal State-Funded Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University», candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor at the Air Force Military Subfaculty of the Military Training Department of the Institute of Military Engineering and Safety Research
2Federal State-Funded Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University», candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Head of the Military Training Department of the Institute of Military Engineering and Safety Research

The article deals with tutorship at a military sub-faculty of a civil higher education institution from the viewpoint of the person-centered approach. It outlines the goals and objectives of tutor's educational work and criteria for efficient mentoring. The authors emphasize the role of the tutor of an academic troop of a sub-faculty that implies forming of: professional military competence; students' personal traits relevant for profession; highly patriotic, moral and psychological qualities; sense of officer's duty, honour and pride; healthy lifestyle; military courtesy and discipline; respect, amiability, tolerance to people of other nationalities, etc.

Category: Pedagogics

Article reference:
Tutor's role at the military sub-faculty of a civil higher education institution // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 7. P. 1 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2015/07/11948

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