Amirova Dinara Rafikova1, Gudkova Valentina Sergeevna2
1Penza state University of architecture and construction, senior teacher of the Department "Marketing and economic theory"
2Penza state University of architecture and construction, student

Issues related to foreign trade policy, regulation of foreign economic activity, has a special role in the economy of the state, on how efficiently and effectively it is being implemented, taking into account modern trends of development of international trade, depends on the country's integration into the global economy. In modern conditions of global competition, the further involvement of the Russian Federation as a full member of the international economic relations, maintaining positions in international economic and trade environment, determined by the efficiency of foreign economic policy, the success of which determines the actual state of the national economy. An important task in these conditions is the need to prevent the reduction of volumes of foreign trade turnover and the development of multilateral economic relations.
The article presents the basic principles of regulation of foreign economic activity of Russia, tariff and non-tariff methods of regulation. The author reveals the peculiarities of the methods used for regulation of foreign economic activity. The analysis of the foreign trade turnover of the Russian Federation with foreign countries, the CIS, the customs Union and other Disclosed some aspects of modern foreign economic activity and reflects the features of the international and Russian foreign economic activity.

Keywords: economic sanctions, foreign trade, foreign trade policy, foreign trade turnover, tariff and non-tariff methods

Category: Economics

Article reference:
Modern features of foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 12. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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2 comments to “Modern features of foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation”

  1. 11.02.2015 at 21:49

    Отличная статья! Спасибо за свежайшую информацию. Только разрешите вопрос? “возникает необходимость непрерывного совершенствования законодательной базы, регулирующей внешнеэкономическую деятельность”. – Разве она не достаточно отрегулирована? Еще в древности мыслители говорили: “Чем больше государство нагружено законами, тем быстрее оно пойдет ко дну”. И как на Ваш взгляд, почему Россия до сих пор не устанавливает хотя бы небольшой диктат над странами ЕС, так как они зависимы от нашего газа? Пора бы уже заявлять о себе как о сильной державе?! Заранее спасибо)

  2. 01.11.2015 at 20:54

    Когда ждать выхода подобной статьи только с информацией текущего года?
    Заранее спасибо за ответ.

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