Raskatova Elena Robertovna1, Zhigulin Dmitrii Andreevich2
1Togliatti State University, PhD in philology, associate professor of the Journalism department
2Togliatti State University, Bachelor of Journalism

Radio channel originated in the restructuring years, launched the modern principles of broadcasting. However, very few research works devoted to this form of broadcasting. The article presents an analysis of the radio channel "Panorama "Mayak" for the years 1987-1997 and the current programs of radio station "Mayak FM", which identified in modern broadcasting signs of this form of broadcasting as a radio channel and draw conclusions about preserving the traditions of "Panorama "Mayak" in the modern ether.

Keywords: broadcasting, broadcasting principles, live, radio channel signs, radio journalism, radio station, shape broadcast

Category: Journalism

Article reference:
Traditions radio channel «Panorama «Mayak» in broadcasting «Mayak FM» // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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