Мелишева Екатерина Петровна
Самарский институт индустрии питания и бизнеса МГУТУ им. К.Г. Разумовского
доцент кафедры «Естественнонаучные и технические дисциплины»

В статье представлено сжатое описание результатов педагогического эксперимента по внедрению инновационных информационных технологий в образовательный процесс Самарского института индустрии питания и бизнеса


Melisheva Ekaterina Petrovna
Samara Institute of the food industry and the business Razumovsky
Associate Professor of Natural-science and technical disciplines

The article presents a concise description of the results of the pedagogical experiment on introduction of innovative information technologies in the educational process in Samara Institute of the food industry and business

Keywords: bachelor degree, information technologies, Samara Institute of the food industry and business

Рубрика: Педагогика

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Мелишева Е.П. Problems of improving of education quality when introducing information technologies in the learning process in Samara institute of the food industry and business // Гуманитарные научные исследования. 2014. № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/2014/04/6444 (дата обращения: 25.02.2024).

Increasing requirements to knowledge quality of graduates of universities are an inevitable consequence of scientific and technical progress, in terms of which there can’t be invariable an educational process.

The task of training a new formation in economics and finances is especially important. Now it is impossible to achieve high professionalism, ability of making reasonable and effective decisions independently without mastering the methods of information and computer technologies [1,2].

Information is one of the main items in market economy of the Russian Federation. The success of commerce and business is concerned with municipal, banking, exchange information systems, systems of informatization of wholesale and retail trade, trading houses, services of management of work and employment, creation of a databank of a commodity market and services, development of the centers of reference and analitiko-expected quoted information, e-mail, electronic data exchange, etc. Changes in the conditions of production activities, the need for adequate adaptation to its control system impact not only the improvement of the organization, but also on the redistribution of control functions by level of responsibility, forms of their interaction, etc. All this requires the universities to adapt to new conditions, overcome the contradictions in the economic, scientific and technical processes.

Information technologies are dynamically developing direction, and as a result, a number of problems confronts economic universities [3]: providing of training at the university with modern software; mastering of modern information technologies; development of software packages along with a general-purpose, special package of professional programs such as “1C: Enterprise”, “INEK-ANALITIK”, etc. Today many companies try to promote educational institutions in solving tasks: grant discounts when purchasing software [4]; provide free or reduced-purchased software update.

The main problems of the active use of modern information technology at the university are: notable shortage of the qualified teachers, complexity in the organization of traineeship and prediploma internship of students [5,6,7]. Also there are problems concerned with superficial studying of software products and information technologies in educational institutions. It seems that the combination of different forms of organization of the educational process: inclusion of part of materials on information technologies, for example programs “1C: Enterprise”, “INEK-ANALITIK”, in the basic training courses, included in the curriculum; development of these courses within standard subject matters (“Information systems in economics”, “Information technologies in management”, etc) will help to solve the above problems, and will contribute to the formation of professional qualities of future economists.

The important problem for teachers of colleges is the demand of their graduates on a labor market; therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the practical mastering of professional software by students [9].

The dynamics of the development of modern information and computer technology [10,11] in financial and economic profile leads to the fact that universities are not able to respond adequately, realizing the appropriate level of training in this sphere.

Now there is a gap between a professional standard of experts of a financial and economic profile in the field of information technologies and labor market requirements in many universities [12].

Basic Elements of modern information technologies actively take root into educational process in Samara Institute of the food industry and business: electronic textbooks on economic disciplines are developed; multimedia grants and video courses are got, legal-reference systems “Konsultatplus” and “Garant” are studied within discipline of “Information science”.

Training sessions are organized for bachelors of the 1 and 3 courses of full-time tuition together with employees of the company “Garant”.

In Samara Institute of the food industry and business the program “1C: Enterprise” is studied not only by graduate students, but also within discipline “Information systems in economics” (federal component of national education standards of higher education) in a third year. Teaching of discipline “Information systems in economics” significantly differs from teaching of other natural-science disciplines. The shape of the modern sphere of information systems is defined not only science development, but also the market: versions of operating systems change; old development tools lose popularity and are replaced with the new. To ensure the relevance of the course, these processes should be reflected in their content, but modern information systems market is very dynamic. Teachers of Samara Institute of the food industry and business considered that way out of this situation is a new approach to teaching information systems, based not on specific software products, and technologies used in them. The main advantages of this approach are: the universality of knowledge (the same technology can be used in various products); scientific approach to training (the study of logic operation of software and hardware, in contrast to the empirical study of functions; long-term relevance of the acquired knowledge (sometimes significant changes in technology take decades, while new versions of the software can appear almost monthly).

Practically all automation equipment of management and accounting is based on the use of databases, so students study basics of databases in the first place. Then their attention is focused on the fact that primary information is presented in the accounting by documents; therefore, the data of these documents to be collected in a database program and the content of many documents is related. Lists of similar items – reference books – are for formal reflection of these communications. Further, the concepts of such necessary facilities for accounting as charts of accounts, registers, etc. are introduced similarly. The following stage is the study of accounting automation technology, based on processing of these primary documents by the program and the formation of accounting transactions and financial results on their basis for the reporting period. Only by examining the logic of such software, you can proceed to the study of an example of the specific configuration to automate accounting.

Such construction of a course allows you to: easily reconstruct a course during the transition to new versions of software; and prepare students for independent development of a wide range of the software products, designed to solve problems of a certain type (for example, accounting automation).

In conclusion, it should be noted that only active integration of the disciplines of information cycle with economic disciplines and constant updating of existing information systems on the market that allows you to make quick changes in curriculum, will realize the main aim of any university – to graduate the competitive, young experts, demanded on a labor market.

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