Морданова Ю.А.1, Устинова Л.П.2
1АНО "Детский технопарк "Кванториум", студент
2АНО "Детский технопарк "Кванториум", кандидат филологических наук, преподаватель

Данная статья представляет собой попытку анализа особенностей переговорного процесса с представителями Китая, включая стиль переговоров и особенности поведения представителей Китая.


Mordanova J.A.1, Ustinova L.P.2
1Children's Technology Park "Quantorium", student
2Children's Technology Park "Quantorium", Dr. in Philol. Sc.

The article is an attempt to analyze the features of the negotiation process with the representatives of China, including negotiation style and behavior of the Chinese business partners.

Keywords: China, negotiating process, negotiation style

Рубрика: Филология

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Морданова Ю.А., Устинова Л.П. China: some aspects of negotiation process // Гуманитарные научные исследования. 2017. № 3 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/2017/03/23105 (дата обращения: 23.02.2024).

As it is known China is not only a country with an ancient history and rich cultural traditions, but it is also a dynamically developing country, which is considered as a potential business partner. Knowledge of features of the Chinese negotiating style contributes greatly to a favorable outcome of the negotiations. In this article we will try to identify the main features of the national  negotiation style and examine some important aspects of the negotiation process with the representatives of China.

Speaking about the negotiation process in general, it should be noted that representatives of China are famous for their patience, punctuality and attention to ceremonies [6]. However, the famous “Chinese trickiness” is a nominal and subjective category because it is a stereotype: not all Chinese have the above traits.

You should not start a business with the Chinese, being sure in the “correct” or exclusivity of your own style of doing business, because your polite Chinese partners will never consider your style as a better one.

Ceremonies play an important part in communication with Chinese people, for example, going with you to the entrance, the Chinese will certainly offer you to lead the way, you should offer him the same thing, and only after his refuse  you can pass into the room.

The negotiation process with the Chinese is described as a continuous succession of retreats, attacks, distracting and flanking maneuvers, deceptive movements, demarches, bluff and even threats [2, P. 7].

One of the features of the Chinese negotiation style is that Chinese businessmen often arrange luxurious meetings for guests, including expensive gifts. The Chinese have a habit to praise the advantages and positive aspects of a potential partner, but it does not  mean that you should make concessions [4].

During negotiations the Chinese will carefully outline your words and use an opportunity to point out the contradictions, it is necessary to be careful with specific numbers and facts.

The Chinese partners  can resort to ploys, especially if they realize that you have already invested a lot of money and effort, you cannot refuse their offer. They can show their discontent in order to win concessions from their business partners, that is why it is important to stay calm and composed during negotiations [4].

According to A.A. Maslov [1, P.24-31] interacting with the representatives of the PRC, you should avoid topics related to religious traditions, as their interpretation is rather ambiguous.

Business cards used for a trip to China are often two-sided, printed in Chinese and  in English, however,  it can be viewed by the Chinese as a wish to save money and, as a result, it can have not a positive influence on the reputation of the foreign partner. So in some cases, it is efficiently to prepare business cards in English and cards in Chinese with an empty reverse side.  The text on the business card must be written correctly and it is recommended to use strict classical colours: black on white or gold because the latter one is considered to be noble in China. It is important to known that the Chinese put their surname on the first place. Considering that the business cards exchange takes place at the meeting your partner will probably call his name, while giving his card. If you are offered a business card, and you do not give your business card, it can be perceived as a sign of irresponsibility and unpreparedness for negotiations or even as disrespect.

Being essential for all introductions, the exchange of business cards in China is performed by presenting a business card with both hands, holding it by the edges with the writing facing the person you are giving it to.

A light bowing is acceptable  as a sign of respect,  it is believed that the higher the status of the person or partner, the lower should be the bow, but in the case of the international negotiations, a light bow of head will be enough. After receiving a business card, you should read it carefully and you should not remove it without having looked at it – it can seriously hurt your business partner [5].

It is common to have business banquets in China, but you should not discuss business during the meal. The Chinese often invite their foreign partners to night clubs in order to show their orientation to Western values and style of communication. Your Chinese partner will appreciate your willingness to learn Chinese culture in all respects [3, P.180].

Expensive things are very prestigious in China, that is why do not be afraid to seem rich, but you should adhere to the business style, avoiding the excesses of dress, especially in jewelry. Extravagance in dress of a business person can cause inadequate reaction of the Chinese negotiating partner, especially at the first meetings [6].

In conclusion, it should be noted that the representatives of China are famous for their patience, punctuality and ceremonies.  The Chinese style of negotiating is characterized by a continuous succession of retreats, attacks, distracting and flanking maneuvers, deceptive movements. Important factors affecting the outcome of the negotiations are the observance of vigilance and caution, and knowledge about the national character and style of negotiation with representatives of the People’s Republic of China.

  1. Маслов А.А. Наблюдая за китайцами. Скрытые правила поведения. – М.: Рипол Классик, 2010 г. – 288 с.
  2. Девятов А. Бизнес с китайцами / Андрей Девятов – М.: Lennex Corp, —  ООО «Книга по Требованию», 2013. – 298 с.
  3. Марченко В. Как стать сюнди. – СПб.: Амфора, ТИД Амфора, 2013г. -221с.
  4. http://www.sbc.md/?sbcblog=osobennosti-delovyh-peregovorov-s-kitajcami
  5. http://vchae.com/vizitnyie-kartochki-kak-chast-delovogo-etiketa-v-kitae/
  6. http://www.abirus.ru/content/564/565/570/11427/11429.html

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